Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Angie's Technology Evolution Series: 1- The Cell Phone

Hey, all! I'm going to start a little series. It's going to be the evolution of an important piece of technology in our life. I thought this would be a little fun adventure through the evolution of our technological world. So, let's get it started, shall we?

The first part of this series is going to be about everyone's favorite technology. We all have been exposed, and we've learned to love it or hate, but either way, it'll be in our lives for a very long time. It's the cell phone. You have one, used one, or saw one, and it's in our everyday lives. 

The actual land line telephone has been used for a while, but the cell phone wasn't thought of until the 1970's. Truth is, the two pound, first larger than life phone wasn't available for just anyone until 1983, thanks to Motorola. Of course it was ugly, and didn't have a display screen, but it got the job done.

As time progressed, so did the cell phone. It went from a large brick, to a smaller, yet still very square cellular device. Then, thanks to Nokia, a flip-phone, with a full keyboard, with a screen, and multiple other features were added to yet another heavy, plastic rectangle. 

After that, phones took off. Cameras, music players, the internet, and now any application is at your fingertips. The cell phone evolved completely, physically, and socially.

So, what exactly am I getting at here?

Technology is taking over our lives, one shiny object after another. They have become part of our everyday being, and have opened new doors to everyone on the planet. This was never thought to be possible, yet here we are, keeping one quietly in our pockets during class, work, or PTA meeting, waiting for someone to communicate with us. It's our own personal little world. It's our everything. Without it, life, or something like it, would end. Face it, if Grandma was lost on how to use her Blackberry, how would she figure out on her Facebook app. that Uncle Pete had a great time in Vegas? Not really, but if someone wasn't able to use a cell phone of any sort, you start to get the caste system of ranked technology. We all use it, don't lie. You have the losers/technologically illiterate folk, who are the lowest of the low, and this then progresses to those who have a cell phone, but it only has calling, or maybe not even a screen, but they're happy, yet still lame. Then you climb the latter from there, to the highest of the best cell phone holders of the new 4G network phones, who can have their cell phones drive their car to the store for sugar. This system has gotten in the way, and I'm sure has caused problems. It's just an unstated fact that everyone should know how to use a phone, but just think of the people who saw this first phone in 1983, and made fun of the person talking to this house of a phone. 

For some fun, check out the video to see the phone I'm talking about when I say it's larger than life, to some possible phones that would yet change our thinking once again.

Want to know where I got my info? Check out this site!


Until Tuesday....

Angie Green 

1 comment:

  1. Angie,

    Doing a series about the evolution of technology is a cool idea! I remember freaking out when my dad got a flip-phone thinking it so bad ass but now thinking back on it, it was gigantic with the green and black screen. Great job!

