Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Luddites

What to do about those of people that just aren't so great at technology? What about those that aren't so adept at using (or wanting to use) blogs, emails, facebook, myspace, or any of those wonderful technologically advanced thingamajigs?

As I was searching for this term Luddite I asked my friends what they would call someone that does not use technology. Most said "I don't know what?" Then I had to explain that no this was not a joke I was serious. Then they said things like Amish, ancient, elderly, dumb, or even just plain technologically disabled. Finally I got the answer of Luddite. When I looked it up Wikipedia gave me the picture to the left. Apparently back in the day there was a social movement with the British textiles. In their protesting they destroyed anything that had any form of mechanics involved.

Today's Luddites probably aren't destroying anything, but technology is certainly lacking in their lives. So. What to do? Obviously not everyone is going to get on board with all these different networking or technological advances, but what to do? Continue on I suppose. Certainly interesting to think about those people that can survive without all those advances and get by just fine. Should we take a lesson? Or... eh not even worry about it? And really... is there an answer to that question? Probably not.

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