Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Gaga "Queen of social media stats"

I recently read an article on Yahoo! exclaiming that Lady Gaga was the first artist to reach over one billion views on YouTube. Though her record is soon to be passed by Justin Bieber, the pop sensation still outdoes Bieber in both Twitter followers, Facebook fans and record sales. This just goes to show how much media can influence the popularity of musical artists. People can listen to music online for free as many times as they want, not to mention the programs that allow people to download music for free, even if it isn't legal. There's also Myspace where bands can plug their music for free by just messaging people on other band sites that have music that sounds similar to theirs. Facebook now has even developed a music player. This has made it easier for bands to become famous and gather fans. So, this begs the question, would Lady Gaga be this big of an icon without the internet?

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