Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Bridget posted a link in the Tumblr blog to a Wired magazine series of short articles on a potential "new curriculum" for higher ed.  The article on writing was extremely interesting given our exploration of online rhetoric and writing.   It focused in three words what I had been looking for as an incisive formula for the rhetoric of blogging or even of the online world in general: "Be conspicuous, be entertaining, and leave space for others to talk."  The self-effacing persona of the writer, especially in academic and professional spheres, is gone, as is a conservative, impersonal style and single authorial voice.  The new literacy patterns are outspoken and collaborative.  This suggests to me the increasing effect of orality in our written discourse, carried out extensively over digital networks.  People write as though they were face-to-face with others in a bazaar or theater or in the presence of a bardic singer--making their voices heard, engaging with other speakers/singers, getting a laugh from time to time.  The isolation and authority of the writer in the time of High Literacy may be over.  That could be positive in the long run, but it will be hard getting used to...


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