Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wireless for What?

   Ball State University, a 100% wireless campus. We have a decent amount of computer labs and computers available in the library for the students without laptops or even for those who choose to utilize a campus computer, but its amazing to think that at any point on campus I could pull out my computer and BAM, I have internet. In 2005 an article was published,,1370,--37100,00.html, headlining "National survey says Ball State University is the nation's top wireless campus". This article expresses how Ball State was chosen as one of the nationals top universities for wireless technology and up and coming technological advances. Now isn't that something? I know you probably thinking, well that was 5 years ago. But think about how far we have come since then.
   Now as I read the article I began to think. I am currently taking 6 classes and am only permitted to use my laptop in 3 of them. What type of nonsense is that? Ball State at one point was named one of the top technological schools in the country yet we, the students, are being told not to use what has been given to us. Today's society is becoming very tech savvy and our school has been noted for being just that. So why are teachers banning this use of technology? Why are we being forced to stick to the ancient task of hand writing notes? 
   Previously in class discussions we have talked about teachers being unwilling to conform to the use of technology and the concept of "change". Is this the truth in Ball States situation? Why is it that we are being limited to the use of the internet? I remember in one of my freshman year courses we needed the answer to a question and since we all had laptops the answer was very quickly found through the use of Google. So many questions can be answered and so many ideas can be provoked through the use of internet. Maybe professors and teachers in general should really evaluate how they can enhance the education of us college students versus inhibiting our ability to learn using the technology that has been given to us.

---Natalie Friday---

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