Sunday, October 24, 2010

President Obama: bustin' myths since 2010...

I recently came across this article on Yahoo news about President Obama making a rather unorthodox appearance on the show Mythbusters in an effort to emphasis how important he thinks science and technology are to our country. In the article, Obama expressed disappointment that he didn’t get to “blow anything up” while on the show. The episode featuring our commander in chief will air in December.

All of this got me thinking about how far we’ve come as a nation as far as digital literacy. Recently at my job, I’ve been assigned to move all of the content from the Ball State Teleplex website onto a different web content management system than the one Ball State was previously using. I had to go to training on how to use the new system and I was really surprised at how much I already knew or how much I thought of as “common sense”. Have you stopped and thought about how much you really know about computers/the internet? Think about how much of that knowledge has been gained in the past 10 years, 5 years, or even in the past 3.

I can still remember typing on a word processor that was just a black screen with a flashing orange cursor that printed on perforated paper.

Today, while sitting in a movie theater I can satisfy my nagging inability to remember what else that actor was in  using something that can fit into my pants pocket.

And now, I’ll leave you with this:


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