Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Angie's Technology Evolution Series: 4- The Television

My next and last series for this blog will be the television. Again, with this piece of technology, it's a love-hate relationship. It's everything from the provider of our source of entertainment to being called the instrument that is damaging our children....

Anyway. On with the boring history.

The article I read named a handful of people that put in some kind of effort for the TV starting in 1907. It was mostly the little mechanical things that were invented by different people to produce the infamous "boobtube." Believe it or not (that's funny because that was a television show.. ha. ha.), the rabbit ears came before the coloredness of the TV. Then came the wonderful remote control, then cable, closed captioning, and finally webTV was introduced in 1996.

It's amazing what the TV can do to us. It can bring a family together to watch a show, or it can separate two people because they have completely different interests. Basically, the future of the TV has little to go, but I still don't doubt that the future of the TV will surprise us.

Make sure you check out the video up top. It's pretty humorous.

Where did I get my info? Check it out.

It's been a fun past few Tuesdays!

-Angie Green

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