Monday, November 15, 2010

Third World Country Technology

Everyone boasts about how advanced technology is becoming and how quick information can be transferred. Newspapers are becoming less abundant because updates can be given up to the second online, whereas newspaper readers would have to wait until the next day to read about breaking news. However, these progressions of information technology, such as the iPhone are not present all over the world. Below is a link to a rather interesting story about this technology being put to the test.

Bird Beats Broadband! Pigeon Flies Faster Than South African DSL

 A pigeon was given a 4 GB USB drive strapped to its body and flew it 100 km. The bird reached the destination that the phone was transmitting data to much, much faster than the phone could send it. Only 4% of the information reached the targeted destination by the time the bird arrived.

While there are advancements all the time in the technology field, third world countries are also seeing a faster involvement in this necessary building stone of the globe.

-Lindsay Gross 

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