Friday, November 19, 2010

The Truth about 3-D Televisions

Are there any 3-D fans out there? Personally, I don't care for it. Maybe it's because I get motion sickness from just about anything and the thought of dishing out mega cash to go to the theater and wear goofy glasses the whole time makes me cringe. I do agree that the 3-D movie experience can be cool, but does it really need to take over television as well?

This video shows some of the not so obvious truths about the new wave of 3-D television. In fact, the New York Times website has a lot of great humorous videos that show the hidden catches with products (I viewed one on Apple T.V.). Anyway, if you are a fan of everything 3-D, the new televisions in the market may seem to be perfect. However, as the video states, there are a lot they don't tell you. First, there's the fact that you have to buy yet ANOTHER television set (2,000 dollars). Second, you only get two pairs of glasses that need to be charged. Plus, any extra pair will cost you 75 dollars! Third, you'll need to buy a Bludisc player and brand new 3-D versions of any movies you want to watch, including titles you may already own.

This has been a running trend with any technology (buy the latest phone, computer, video game system) for a while. Despite the cost, there will still be many that wish to experience 3-D day after day. There's nothing wrong with that, I suppose. However, I say no thanks.


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