Friday, November 5, 2010

Oh, Youtube..

           I'm not an avid YouTube user, but occasionally I will watch a music video or hear about something that is SOOOO hilarious that I just HAVE to watch it. For example when the La Sarah video exploded two years ago, or even Scarelett Takes a Tumble which also came out around the same time, I was prompted by my friends to watch and laugh and enjoy it as they had. However I recently realized how much we can use and utilize Youtube in our every day life.
            A friend of mine was hooking up his XBox at my house and needed to configure something or another to match up with my wireless Internet. So what did he do? He hopped on YouTube and found a video on how to do it. I was amazed. Not only on the fact that it was THAT easy, but that somebody actually took the time to put that crap on the internet. So then I started looking around on the site and realized that while the xbox problem was a bigger scale issue we have very simple ideas and instructions on YouTube. Did you know that you can watch a video on how to tie your shoes? And I thought to myself, Really? Tie your shoes?
            From even this simple find I have come to realize that we are taking the wonder and adventure out of life. While learning to tie your shoes when you are 4 and 5 years old is frustrating, when you look at the big pictures it’s a wonderful adventure for the mind. An adventure to figuring out which loop to make and which string to wrap around the other. So what happens when we start merely showing a video on how to do it and its done? I guess question for thought is What’s going to happen to the adventure that lies within the children of our future?

-Natalie Friday

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